For Suppliers

Parts and services from suppliers contribute to the high quality and cost competiveness products and services that AAEM is able to offer his customers.
AAEM recognizes a very important role their suppliers have in the value they offer to their customers and they are committed to establish and develop long term partnerships with their suppliers.
In order to achieve the best Quality for their customer’s, AAEM’s supplier Quality approach is aligned with AAEM supply Chain processes which include:

  • Supplier Panel Management
  • Supplier Quality Assurance and Quality Control
  • Supplier Performance Management

AAEM conducts its business in accordance with the Unified Industry Procurement Standard (Regulation on procurement) of Rosatom Corporation approved by the Rosatom Board of Supervisors (Minutes No 37 of 07 February 2012) published on the official web site of orders placed for the procurement of goods, works and services for the needs of Rosatom Corporation that can be found at following web site: The official AAEM LLC web site where the company publishes information regarding procurement activities conducted in the frame of the Unified Industry Procurement Standard is the site dedicated to orders placed for the procurement of goods, works and services for the needs of Rosatom State Corporation that can be found at the following Internet site:

Order approving the Procurement Regulation