Arabelle Steam Turbine and Conventional Island Equipment Integrator
Arabelle Steam Turbine and Conventional Island Equipment Integrator
Arabelle Steam Turbine and Conventional Island Equipment Integrator

About us
"Turbine Technology AAEM"  (AAEM) established in 2007 with a mission to supply turbine hall equipment for national and foreign nuclear power plant projects using the Russian reactor technology. 

The main lines of AAEM business include:

  • Manufacture of steam turbines and generators with ratings 1000 -1800 MW based on the half-speed steam turbines technology
  • Integration and delivery of equipment packages using the half-speed steam turbines technology for turbine islands of nuclear power plants with Russian VVER-type reactors
  • Service and retrofit of nuclear power plant turbine island equipment.
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Products and Services
Working as part of the AES-2006 and VVER TOI projects enables AAEM to offer the Russian and foreign clients a fully developed solutions based on half-speed turbine for the construction of nuclear power plants with VVER reactors. All the proposed technical solutions for the nuclear turbine island equipment provide high efficiency, increased design life, short repair time and low.

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For Suppliers
Parts and services from suppliers contribute to the high quality and cost competiveness products and services that AAEM is able to offer his customers. AAEM recognizes a very important role their suppliers have in the value they offer to their customers and they are committed to establish and develop long term partnerships with their suppliers.

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